My Drama Process Journal 2014-2015

This Blog is a record of my MYP Drama experience, as I explore Drama on an whole different level.

-- Simran Khataw

Monday 26 January 2015

Ways to Alienate

- Big signs were used to designate:
   Obvious stage props 
   Or to comment on action 

- Songs were used to break up the scenes 
- To alienate the audience 
- To comment on the action in the play

Generalised Characters:
- As Epic Theatre discouraged audiences from identifying with or becoming too attached to characters, general roles were written.
- Some characters had names but often they were only know as mother, worker etc.

- Actors often stepped out of the action to talk directly to the audience.

Historification (word that only exists in epic theatre):
- All events were set in the past
- He didn't want audiences to bring their own contemporary societal conditioning to view the pay
- This was so that audiences would be able to watch and consider critically  

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