My Drama Process Journal 2014-2015

This Blog is a record of my MYP Drama experience, as I explore Drama on an whole different level.

-- Simran Khataw

Monday 26 January 2015

Brecht's Philosophy

Bertolt Brecht
Class Notes:
- He believed theatre should be political.
- He believed that theatre should be used to force people to think.
- He opposed theatre as entertainment or escapism.
- He sought to create the opposite.

- He wanted audiences to leave his plays having learn't something about themselves and the world.

- Brecht lived over a period in history which included both World War, Nazism, the Great Depression, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

- Brecht despised the romantic, the sentimental and the realistic.

- He promoted political theatre. 
- He did not want the audience to accept the play as a form of real life. 
- He wanted the concepts presented to be looked at objectively.

- Brecht created a distinct style called Epic theatre

- It is sometimes referred to as theatre of Alienation
- Brecht had been influenced by many other earlier theatrical practitioners and theatrical styles, even those from Asia.

Personal Notes: 
- Brecht wanted his work to be controversial and instigate thoughts and feeling in the audience.
- We wanted the audience to bring their brains in the performance. 

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